N头条>英语词典>round down翻译和用法

round down

英 [raʊnd daʊn]

美 [raʊnd daʊn]

网络  向下取整; 下舍入; 舍去; 向下舍入; 四舍五入





  • The Doha round ultimately broke down because of a stand-off between the United States, India, China and the European Union over agricultural trade.
  • Iran wants to meet with the group of six world powers next month in the Turkish city Istanbul, where the previous round of talks broke down in January 2011.
  • This round marks to break down the source of innovative new method known as the 360 ° mark decryption creativity.
  • More than 70,000 people voted in the first round to whittle it down to a shortlist of 10 and members of the public now have six weeks to choose which British bird they would like to see represent the country, he said.
  • The dog faintly and dismally wagged its tail, then lowered his haunches, circled round, and lay down again.
  • As soon as the stone was pushedaway, everyone gathered round the entrance and looked down.
  • The latest tests come after a round last year was hooted down in the market after only seven, mostly smaller institutions were found wanting.
  • Salty tears round down her cheeks into her mouth and she pauses to tastes them before looking more distraught.
  • Instead of striving after the unattainable, we should learn to round our ideas and tone down the angularity of our conduct.
  • The goal of QE2 the nickname for this new round of easing is to push down long-term interest rates by buying long-term treasury bonds.